pentomino is a polyomino composed of five congruent squares, connected along their edges (which sometimes is said to be an orthogonal connection).

There are 12 different free pentominoes, often named after the letters of the Latin alphabet that they vaguely resemble. Ordinarily, the pentomino obtained by reflection or rotation of a pentomino does not count as a different pentomino.

Pentomino — very known puzzle. You should put 12 details on game field to receive a picture.  Complexity consists in that, that the picture should be made without overlaps and splits.

Here are some examples of pentomino puzzle solutions:




Pentamino — very known puzzle. You should put 12 details on game field
to receive a picture. The detail represents a figure, made of 
five small squares. Complexity consists in that, 
that the picture should be made without overlaps and splitsPentamino — very known puzzle. You should put 12 details on game fieldto receive a picture. The detail represents a figure, made of five small squares. Complexity consists in that, that the picture should be made without overlaps and splits.

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